September 15, 2010



This is a sample of some of our most important publications. The materials can be obtained by calling our office at 267 753 946 24 for pricelist and ordering.

2010 brochure – Shiyeyi/English


Pre – School Material

  1. Zinyawuya (Animals )  ISBN : 999-996-5-3
  2. Ku tanga ku wara (PRE-READING)            ISBN : 999-996-4-5
  3. Ku tanga ku kwara (PRE-WRITING) ISBN : 999-996-4-7
  4. Mumbiri (Body Parts)  ISBN : 999-996-1-0
  5. Ku wara Zinomoro (Counting Numbers)  ISBN : 999-996-8-8
  6. Muzi etu (Our Community)  ISBN : 999-996-6-1
  7. Ku kwara Zinomoro (Writing Numbers)  ISBN : 999-996-2-9
  8. Zinvuma (A – Z Letters of the Alphabet)  ISBN: 999-996-7-X
  9. Manqee Anga (My Story Book)  ISBN : 999-996-8-8
  10. Zinsawa Zanga (My Flowers)  ISBN : 999-996-4-1
  11. Zindzima Zweeke (Vowels) ISBN : 999-996-9-6

Adult Literacy


8. Yimba Shiyeyi –  (Hymns in Shiyeyi):

9.  A Transitional Primer from English to Shiyeyi  ISBN : 99912-964-2-5

10. A Brief History of the Wayeyi Tribe: ISBN : 9912-964-68

11. Shiyeyi, Setswana and English Picture Dictionary ISBN : 9912-964-91

12. Zishazi zi Shiyeyi (Shiyeyi Totems): ISBN 9912-964-84

13. Amezi shi Shiyeyi  ISBN : 9912-964-92

14. Ldiyi Idi Urezha  ISBN : 9912-964-7


  1.  Wayeyi Cultural Festival 2009
  2.   Ni Yivwe ( Lo utlwe) – by Tisise Choir
  3. Tambusa Shizha (Tsosa Ngwao) by Shigyakao Choir


  1. Zindjimbo zi Urezha Volume 1  (God’s word in traditions Shiyeyi Melody)
  2. Zindjimbo zi Urezha Volume 2 (God’s word in traditional Shiyeyi Melody)
  3. Zindjimbo zi Urezha Volume 3 (Denominational hymns translated into Shiyeyi)
  4. Ni Yivwe(Lo Utlwe)- Tisise Choir
  5. Zimwaka zi Ldikumi  by Izutu Koozo Choir
  6. Watshara by Ziyuvuruka Choir
  7. Tambusa Shizha by Shigyakao Choir



One Comment

  1. Mma Nkgala June 24, 2015 at 11:44 am

    Looking good

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